Once you have Fluxxor and React installed, it's time to build an app! Since this guide is designed to cover the basics quickly, we'll start with a very basic todo app—namely, this one right here:
First, let's create a store to keep track of our todo items. It will respond to the following actions:
- adds a new todo"TOGGLE_TODO"
- completes or uncompletes a specific todo item"CLEAR_TODOS"
- removes all complete todo itemsvar constants = {
var TodoStore = Fluxxor.createStore({
initialize: function() {
this.todoId = 0;
this.todos = {};
constants.ADD_TODO, this.onAddTodo,
constants.TOGGLE_TODO, this.onToggleTodo,
constants.CLEAR_TODOS, this.onClearTodos
onAddTodo: function(payload) {
var id = this._nextTodoId();
var todo = {
id: id,
text: payload.text,
complete: false
this.todos[id] = todo;
onToggleTodo: function(payload) {
var id = payload.id;
this.todos[id].complete = !this.todos[id].complete;
onClearTodos: function() {
var todos = this.todos;
Object.keys(todos).forEach(function(key) {
if(todos[key].complete) {
delete todos[key];
getState: function() {
return {
todos: this.todos
_nextTodoId: function() {
return ++this.todoId;
Let's create a few semantic actions to go along with our action types.
var actions = {
addTodo: function(text) {
this.dispatch(constants.ADD_TODO, {text: text});
toggleTodo: function(id) {
this.dispatch(constants.TOGGLE_TODO, {id: id});
clearTodos: function() {
Now we can instantiate our store and build a Flux
var stores = {
TodoStore: new TodoStore()
var flux = new Fluxxor.Flux(stores, actions);
Finally, let's use the "dispatch"
event to add some logging:
flux.on("dispatch", function(type, payload) {
if (console && console.log) {
console.log("[Dispatch]", type, payload);
Let's build out our UI with React.
Our top-level Application
component will use the FluxMixin as well as the StoreWatchMixin to make our lives a bit easier. The component will iterate over the array of todos and emit a TodoItem
component for each one.
We'll also add a quick form for adding new todo items, and a button for clearing completed todos.
var FluxMixin = Fluxxor.FluxMixin(React),
StoreWatchMixin = Fluxxor.StoreWatchMixin;
var Application = React.createClass({
mixins: [FluxMixin, StoreWatchMixin("TodoStore")],
getInitialState: function() {
return { newTodoText: "" };
getStateFromFlux: function() {
var flux = this.getFlux();
// Our entire state is made up of the TodoStore data. In a larger
// application, you will likely return data from multiple stores, e.g.:
// return {
// todoData: flux.store("TodoStore").getState(),
// userData: flux.store("UserStore").getData(),
// fooBarData: flux.store("FooBarStore").someMoreData()
// };
return flux.store("TodoStore").getState();
render: function() {
var todos = this.state.todos;
return (
{Object.keys(todos).map(function(id) {
return <li key={id}><TodoItem todo={todos[id]} /></li>;
<form onSubmit={this.onSubmitForm}>
<input type="text" size="30" placeholder="New Todo"
onChange={this.handleTodoTextChange} />
<input type="submit" value="Add Todo" />
<button onClick={this.clearCompletedTodos}>Clear Completed</button>
handleTodoTextChange: function(e) {
this.setState({newTodoText: e.target.value});
onSubmitForm: function(e) {
if (this.state.newTodoText.trim()) {
this.setState({newTodoText: ""});
clearCompletedTodos: function(e) {
The TodoItem
component will display and style itself based on the completion of the todo, and will dispatch an action indicating its intent to toggle its completion state.
var TodoItem = React.createClass({
mixins: [FluxMixin],
propTypes: {
todo: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired
render: function() {
var style = {
textDecoration: this.props.todo.complete ? "line-through" : ""
return <span style={style} onClick={this.onClick}>{this.props.todo.text}</span>;
onClick: function() {
Now that we have a Flux
instance and all our components are defined, we can finally render our app. We'll put it inside a div
in our HTML with an ID of "app".
React.render(<Application flux={flux} />, document.getElementById("app"));
And that's it! We've created a (super simple) Flux application with React and Fluxxor. You can find the full source code on GitHub.